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How You Can Get Involved

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities: How You Can Get Involved

As a volunteer, you’ll directly contribute to the Museum’s educational mission—to teach diverse audiences about the enduring beauty and cultural importance of country music.

Your impact will be felt: Annually, volunteers help the Museum deliver more than 1,200 educational programs to over 130,000 people, including over 30,000 students in school programs. And with more than 1.5 million visitors annually, you’ll be part of a vibrant cultural arts center—we’re one of the most visited history museums in the country—right in the heart of downtown Nashville.

Here are some of the ways you can get involved and make a difference:

Guest Relations: Welcome Guests from Around the World

Guest Relations volunteers are the Museum’s friendly and helpful ambassadors who welcome guests from around the world and ensure memorable visits.

Volunteers assist guests with directions, answer questions, and share facts about the Museum’s architecture and exhibitions. Volunteers are staged at various locations including: the main entrance, Country Music Hall of Fame Rotunda, and galleries.

Availability: Guest Relations volunteer opportunities are available every day of the week, mornings and afternoons, and are typically 2 hours long.

Hatch Show Print: Help Guests Get Inky 

Hatch Show Print volunteers support fun, art-making programs such as the Hatch Show Print Block Party where guests can print their own posters, T-shirts, tote bags, and more using some of Hatch Show Print’s most iconic imagery.  

Volunteers help guests with the design and printing process such as rolling ink on brayers (a small hand roller used for printmaking) and tidying up the hand-carved blocks in between use. 

Availability: Hatch Show Print volunteer opportunities are typically on weekend mornings and afternoons and are about 2.5 hours long. 

Public Programs: Support the Museum’s Live Program Offerings

Public Program volunteers support the Museum’s live program offerings, which teach guests even more about the art of country music.

Volunteers encourage guests to attend programs—such as weekly Songwriter Sessions and Musician Spotlights, panel discussions, film screenings, and interviews—usher in the Ford Theater, provide wayfinding directions, take program attendance, and assist with meet and greets.

Availability: Public Programs volunteer opportunities are typically on weekend mornings and afternoons and are about 2.5 to 3 hours long.

School Tour Guides: Inspire Students

School tour guide volunteers support the Museum’s educational mission and provide engaging learning experiences for K–12 students. Just bring your enthusiasm and curiosity and the School Programs team, comprised of educators, will provide the training and encouragement.

Volunteers help students make connections between country music and their lives. Interactive tours cover diverse topics and integrate the Museum’s collection with sound and video recordings, sparkly costumes, careers in music, and more.

Availability: School tour guide volunteer opportunities are on weekday mornings and are typically 1.5 to 3 hours long. Volunteer tour guides also receive extra benefits and training, including opportunities for continual learning.

Youth and Family Programs: Encourage Creativity Through Art- and Music-Making 

The Museum offers a wide range of fun and interactive art- and music-making programs for kids of all ages. Youth and Family Programs volunteers support the Youth and Family Programs team, comprised of artists, musicians, and songwriters, and volunteer in the Taylor Swift Education Center or out in community locations, such as Centennial Park or branches of the Nashville Public Library.

Volunteers encourage guest participation in, and make sure guests enjoy, programs like Musical Instrument Petting Zoos, Songwriting 101, Two-Steppin’, and more. They also take program attendance, distribute surveys to guests, and welcome guests into the interactive Taylor Swift Education Center.

Availability: Youth and Family Programs volunteer opportunities are typically on weekend mornings and afternoons and are about 2 hours long.

Clerical Assistance: Behind-the-Scenes Helpers

Clerical assistance volunteers are the behind-the-scenes helpers. Volunteers assist with mailings, filing, organizing, assembling activity packs, as well as other special projects for the CEO’s office, Development, Frist Library and Archives, Marketing, and Youth and Family Programs.

Availability: Clerical assistance volunteer opportunities are (occasionally) available on weekday mornings and afternoons and are typically 2 hours long.

Volunteer Stories

Shawn & Diana
Jim Shaffer
Joanna and Carolyn
Nancy Kruh
Lindsey Read

Explore Volunteer Benefits and Perks