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Words & Music

for Early Learners

Designed specifically for grades Pre-K-K, Words & Music for Early Learners builds early literacy skills and supports social and emotional learning through music, movement, and lyric writing. Students participate in developmentally appropriate activities while singing, dancing, and playing instruments. They also choose a theme, contribute ideas, and co-write a song!

  • On Site Program
  • Online Program
  • Program Length

    30 minutes

  • grade levels

    PreK - K

  • group size

    10-20 Students

  • curricular connections

    Music, Language Arts

  • select standards

    Early Literacy: PK-K.W.TTP.1, PK-K.FL.PC.1, PK-K.SL. CC.1, PK-K.PK1.4; Music: PK.CA.4, K.6M.P3; SEL: PK.SPC.RS.3, K:1B, 4A, 4B, 5B

Words and Music for Early Learners Logo

Words & Music for Early Learners is a hybrid video and live program for grades Pre-K – K that builds early literacy skills and social and emotional learning through music, movement, and lyric writing. The program includes three asynchronous pre-recorded video lessons that teach students about the parts of a song and themes.

After students view the videos, they participate in a 30-minute live lesson (in-person or virtual, scheduled ahead of time) taught by a museum educator and a professional songwriter. During the live lesson, students will choose a theme, contribute ideas, and co-write a song with a songwriter!

Download Lesson Guide

Here's How It Works

Step 1

Schedule a 30-minute live lesson taught by a museum educator and songwriter by completing a School Group Reservation Form (in-person, at the Museum, or your school) or Virtual and Distance Learning Reservation Form (Zoom).

School Group Reservation Form

Virtual and Distance Learning Reservation Form (Zoom)

Step 2

Assign students (at home or in class) to watch the video lessons below.

Watch the video lesson in the Teacher Resource Portal

Step 3

You’re ready for your live lesson! Be sure you have confirmed your date and time with a museum educator. For virtual programs, you will need a computer with video and audio capabilities to connect via Zoom. (A meeting room link will be shared via email.)

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