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Language Arts

Explore music and lyric-writing resources that include Museum program curriculum, activities, and choral arrangements for student performances.

Students Explore the Art of Lyric Writing

Students explore the art of lyric writing through ten complete lessons. Aligned with Common Core Standards, this interdisciplinary unit also can be tied to math, music, social studies, and visual arts.

The Words & Music unit is composed of ten 45-minute lessons. The lessons are cumulative, each one building on the next. The final project, writing a polished set of lyrics, combines everything students have learned in previous lessons. Final lyrics are sent to the museum to share with a professional songwriter, who will perform a selection of lyrics as finished songs in a 60-minute program.

Prior to teaching Words & Music for the first time, teachers are strongly encouraged to attend a Words & Music professional development workshop or webinar.

Words & Music

Students write song lyrics through the lens of English Language Arts and Social-Emotional Learning and experience a live songwriter workshop where their words are put to music. More than 100,000 students have learned to write song lyrics while developing key skills in language arts. Not only does Words & Music teach core curriculum, but it also connects young people to Nashville’s music community, pairing classes with songwriters who transform student lyrics into finished songs that are performed in an interactive workshop.

Family Program: Songwriting Tune-Up. Photo of a teacher holding an acoustic guitar conversing with a child student.

Songwriting 101

During this two-lesson unit, students learn songwriting basics, express creativity, and prepare to co-write a song as a class with a professional songwriter. Access the lesson guides and video supports available for grades K-2, 3-6, and 7-12 here: