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All Ways to Learn

At the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, we strive to provide an environment for the curious. Learning spans all age groups and subjects, and we hope to be an incubator for historical learning, curious exploration and musical wonder.

Explore Learning Programs and Resources

Teacher at Open House

For Schools & Teachers

School and teacher programs provide dynamic, interdisciplinary experiences that support curriculum standards in core subject areas. Experiences for every grade level are designed to meet physical and virtual classroom needs through engaging, hands-on learning.

Family Fun and Resources

The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum offers music and art-making programs at libraries, schools, community centers, fairs, and festivals around Middle Tennessee, as well as a variety of resources for learning at home.

Two people playing a guitar

Student Resources

Check out music, videos, lyrics, artist biographies, and activities designed to help you learn more about country music.

Taylor Swift Education Center

Home to the museum’s award-winning educational programs, the Taylor Swift Education Center offers a fun space for unique hands-on experiences connected to the museum’s content.

A group of people walking into the Taylor Swift Education Center

Education Council

David Conrad

Hal Cato
Crystal Dishman
Lucia Folk
Randy Goodman
Lawrence Hall
Keel Hunt
Lenore Kinder
Mary Ann McCready
Mike Molinar
Martha Silva
Shannon Sanders
Harvey Sperling