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Event Spaces

Mike Curb Conservatory

Also includes the Curb Records Courtyard

The Mike Curb Conservatory

The Mike Curb Conservatory event venue opens to the Nashville sky and was designed to symbolize the “front porch” origins of country music and to function as a welcoming place for guests to assemble. The architects drew inspiration for its heavy steel frame from railroads and bridges, which connected small towns where country music came to life. Guests can relax as they listen to the water gently cascading along the Grand Staircase. Just off the Conservatory, the tree-lined Curb Records Courtyard event space can be tented and dramatically lit for more intimate gatherings or corporate events.

Mike Curb Conservatory

11,000 Square Feet
Capacity: 500 Reception
360 Banquet • 550 Theater

Curb Records Courtyard

2,800 Square Feet
Capacity: 200 Reception
168 Banquet • 220 Theater


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