Get Involved: Teen Team Volunteer Opportunities
Teen Team volunteers will move through a multi-level volunteer program in which they will assume more duties, and gain experience, responsibility, and training. Responsibilities may include assisting museum educators with music and songwriting workshops, art-making activities, and more. Teen Team members should be willing to commit to one assignment a month. Here are some ways you can get involved and make a difference:
Youth and Family Programs
The Museum offers a wide range of fun and interactive art- and music-making programs for families of all ages. Teen Team volunteers encourage guest participation and assist with programs such as Musical Instrument Petting Zoos, drop-in art activities, songwriting workshops, dance programs, and more. Youth and Family Programs activities are held in the Taylor Swift Education Center.
Youth and Family Programs volunteer opportunities are typically on weekend mornings and afternoons and are about two hours long, during the school year. Summer programming, which starts after Memorial Day and ends in early August, will offer Youth and Family Programs almost every day of the week.