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Photo of Randy Hart smiling at the camera in front of a piano
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Musician Spotlight: Randy Hart


1-1:45 pm

45 Min

This event has passed.

Museum Admission Required

Become a Member

Pianist Randy Hart was Country Music Hall of Fame member Roger Miller’s bandleader for eight years. Hart has performed or recorded with the Allman Brothers Band, Garth Brooks, Gary Morris, Willie Nelson, Iggy Pop, and Steve Wariner, and served as the audition pianist for the film Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. He is currently the Grand Ole Opry band’s staff pianist. Ford Theater. Included with Museum admission. Program ticket required. Free to Museum members.

Members reserve tickets here.

Non-members must purchase Museum admission here.


When purchasing admission:

  • select the date of this program,
  • select a gallery entry time of 11:30 a.m. or earlier or 2:15 p.m. or later,
  • select your Experience, and
  • select the Musician Spotlight as an add-on.


Program Admission

Admission is included with Museum ticket* or Museum membership.

Museum members enjoy unlimited access to rotating exhibits, 10% off our retail and dining locations, discount tours of Historic RCA Studio B and Hatch Show Print, and more.

* Tennessee children ages 18 and under from Cheatham, Davidson, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, and Wilson counties receive free museum admission as part of Community Counts: Museum Admission Program for Locals. Up to two accompanying adults receive 25 percent off admission. Proof of residency required. For more information, please visit Community Counts or inquire at the Museum Box Office.

Additional Details

  • Live Performance