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DeFord Bailey Smiling with harmonica
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Community Pop-up: DeFord Bailey DIY Harmonicas at Nashville Public Library, Edgehill Branch


4:00-5:00 pm

1 Hr

Museum Admission Is Not Required

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Create your own harmonica from craft sticks and rubber bands. Take inspiration from DeFord Bailey, country music’s first Black star and one of the Grand Ole Opry’s most popular early performers, whose innovative harmonica technique included replicating the sounds around him, such as chugging trains and barking hounds. What sounds will you make on your new harmonica? Takes place at Nashville Public Library’s Edgehill Branch, 1409 12th Ave. S., Nashville, TN, 37203. Recommended for ages 5 and up, but all are welcome. Free.


Nashville Public Library, Edgehill Branch

1409 12th Ave. S., Nashville, TN, 37203

Additional Details

  • Family Friendly