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Nashville Cats: David Hood


2:30-4:00 pm

1 Hr 30 Min

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Free for Members

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As a member of the famous Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section (also known as “The Swampers”), David Hood has created an unforgettable body of recorded work during his sixty-year career. His first sessions included the 1960s R&B hits “I’m Your Puppet” by James & Bobby Purify and “I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You)” by Aretha Franklin. Hood became one of the most respected and in-demand studio bassists in R&B, pop, and country music. He supplied the classic bass line and catchy solo spot on the Staple Singers’ “I’ll Take You There” and lent his groove to classic albums by Willie Nelson (Phases and Stages), Paul Simon (There Goes Rhymin’ Simon), and Traffic (Shoot Out at the Fantasy Factory). While based in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, Hood also worked in Memphis and Nashville. His long list of credits also includes Etta James’s “Tell Mama,” R.B. Greaves’s “Take a Letter Maria,” the Staple Singers’ “Respect Yourself,” Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll,” and recordings by Solomon Burke, J.J. Cale, Clarence Carter, Glenn Frey, Levon Helm, John Hiatt, Jason Isbell, Delbert McClinton, the Oak Ridge Boys, Boz Scaggs, Percy Sledge, and Tony Joe White. Additionally, the legendary bassist has collaborated with the Southern rock band Drive-By Truckers, fronted by his son, Patterson Hood. This program will include a brief performance, as well as vintage photos, audio, and film clips. After the program, Hood will sign commemorative Hatch Show Print posters. Ford Theater. Included with Museum admission. Program ticket required. Free to Museum members.




When purchasing admission:

  • select the date of this program,
  • select a gallery entry time of 1:00 p.m. or earlier,
  • select your Experience, and
  • select the Nashville Cats program as an add-on.

Additional Details

  • Live Performance